About Me

I am a proud wife and mother of 3 girls, 2 dogs, & 3 cats. I lost my job last year, due to budget cuts in education. I feel sick over the loss. I have decided to overcome my depression and weight gain, by turning my life around. First item - weight loss. I want to feel better, have more energy, see my kids grow up and meet my grand-kids. I don't want to be embarrassed about my size, if I don't get the job, I don't want to wonder - Is it because I am fat? I want to find me.


I'm glad you stopped by, and hope you find some connection or a bit of enjoyment in my musings of uncovering my true self; a lighter, happier, mother and wife. Leave a comment, support the sponsors, follow my blog, but most of all, be inspired and know you are not alone!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 64 - Whining, Excuses, and Tangents...

So…it’s been a while since I have checked in...

I have been thinking about so many different issues lately, and starting to feel the stress of the holidays overcome me.  We are struggling financially (remember I was laid off and can’t seem to land a job…), so buying things for the kids is a bit more difficult this year.  Our furnace is acting up, the garbage disposal just broke and our water heater is on the fritz.  

I am trying so hard to stay on plan with my food choices, even if I don’t get to work out.  I feel good about that.  I lost 3.5 lbs over Thanksgiving weekend!  Not sure if it has stayed off…will weigh in a few minutes.

I have been trying to pick up some graphic design work on the side and bring home a bit of money to help out, but it’s very unpredictable.  I really need a job.  My husband is starting to make comments under his breath about my “relaxing” days and how maybe he should get fired so he could take some time off and relax.  I’m sick of that attitude.  Since I am staying home now, I am taking ALL of the household responsibilities (trash, repairs, bills, etc.).  He doesn’t do anything around the house.  However, he does usually work 40-60 hours a week and has an hour commute each way…so I don’t mind doing all of the household stuff, but I also don’t appreciate being taken for granted and being made to feel like I’m not contributing as much as he is.  …Sorry, off on a tangent there, just have to vent sometimes!  Thanks for listening.

Now, back to my exercise problem…I haven’t been doing it!  I don’t know why.  I have no reasons.  I just can’t seem to get motivated to move my fat a$$.  All I have to do is go down about 13 steps to the basement and get on the treadmill to walk.  Doesn’t take that much effort.  Just do it.  Even have dvd’s ready to be watched.  I am just lazy.  I know how good I feel afterwards!  I need help with my motivation.  I thought the family was going to help with that, but it isn’t working.  I want my husband to join me on this journey; I thought we could do this together.  He is taking 3 prescription meds for Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.  I thought he could maybe get off the meds…but I’m not sure how to motivate him either.  I don’t want him to think I’m forcing him into something, and I know he has to want it.  So I just thought I’d start and he would follow.  Not working so far.  Hmmm…I’ll keep pondering.

Will post my weight a little later today...and hopefully an update about me working out!

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